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Home   /   Thesis   /   CORTEX: Container Orchestration for Real-Time, Embedded/edge, miXed-critical applications

CORTEX: Container Orchestration for Real-Time, Embedded/edge, miXed-critical applications

Computer science and software Engineering sciences New computing paradigms, circuits and technologies, incl. quantum Technological challenges


This PhD proposal will develop a container orchestration scheme for real-time applications, deployed on a continuum of heterogeneous computing resources in the embedded-edge-cloud space, with a specific focus on applications that require real-time guarantees.

Applications, from autonomous vehicles, environment monitoring, or industrial automation, applications traditionally require high predictability with real-time guarantees, but they increasingly ask for more runtime flexibility as well as a minimization of their overall environmental footprint.

For these applications, a novel adaptive runtime strategy is required that can optimize dynamically at runtime the deployment of software payloads on hardware nodes, with a mixed-critical objective that combines real-time guarantees with the minimization of the environmental footprint.


Département Systèmes et Circuits Intégrés Numériques (LIST)
Laboratoire pour la Confiance des sYstèmes de calcuL
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