The primary mission of the Jules Horowitz experimental nuclear Reactor (JHR) is to meet the irradiation needs of materials and fuels for the current nuclear industry and future generations. It is expected to start around 2032. The design of the first wave of experimental devices for RJH already includes specifications for GEN2 and 3 industrial constraints. On the other hand, the field of experiments essential to GEN4 Fast Breeder Reactor remains quite open in the longer term, while no fast-spectrum irradiation facility is currently available.
The objective of this thesis is to study the feasibility of integral experiments in the JHR or another light water reactor, for validation of the reactivity loss with innovative FBR fuels.
In the first part of this thesis, fission products (FPs) that contribute to the loss of reactivity in a typical FBR will be identified and ranked by importance. The second part is the activation measurement and evaluation of the capture cross section of stable FPs in a fast spectrum. It involves the design, specification, implementation and achievement of a “stable” FBR-FP target in the ILL reactor or in the CABRI reactor fuel recovery station (potentially with thermal neutron shields). The third and final part is the design of an experiment in the JHR to generate and characterize FBR FPs. This experiment should be sufficiently representative of fuel irradiation conditions in a FBR. The goal is to access the FP inventory by underwater spectrometry in the JHR and integral reactivity weighing before/after irradiation in CABRI or another available facility.
The thesis will be carried out in a team experienced in the physics and thermal-hydraulics characterization of the JHR. The candidate will be advised by several experts based in the department. The candidate will have the opportunity to promote his/her results before the nuclear industry partners (CEA, EDF, Framatome, Orano, Technicatome etc.).