Alloy 718, a nickel-based alloy, is used in fuel assemblies for pressurized water reactors (PWRs). In service, these components are subjected to high mechanical stress, neutron irradiation and exposure to the primary environment. Usually, this alloy shows very good resistance to intergranular cracking. However, there are microstructural and/or irradiation conditions which, by modifying the mechanical properties and plasticity mechanisms, make the material susceptible to intergranular cracking in the primary PWR environment.
In this context, the aim of this thesis will be to study the influence of microstructure (via different heat treatments) and irradiation on deformation localization and susceptibility to intergranular cracking in primary PWR media.
To this end, two grades will be tested, one deemed sensitive and the other not. In-situ SEM tensile tests on samples whose microstructure has been previously characterized by EBSD will be carried out to identify the types of intra- and intergranular deformation localization and their evolution. The non-irradiated state will be characterized as the reference state. In addition, exposure and intergranular cracking tests in the primary medium (coupons, slow tension, etc.) will be carried out on both grades and at different irradiation levels. The microstructure as well as surface and intergranular oxidation of the specimens will be characterized by various microscopy techniques (SEM, EBSD, FIB and transmission electron microscopy).
This thesis constitutes for the candidate the opportunity to address a problem of durability of metallic materials in their environment following a multidisciplinary scientific approach combining metallurgy, mechanics and physico-chemistry and based on the use of various cutting-edge techniques available at the CEA. The skills that he will thus acquire can therefore be valued during the rest of his career in the industry (including non-nuclear) or in academic institutions.