The blockchain is based on a consensus protocol, the aim of which is to share and replicate ordered data between peers in a distributed network. The protocol stack, embedded in the network's peer devices, relies on a proof mechanism that certifies the timestamp and ensures a degree of fairness within the network.
The consensus protocols used in the blockchains deployed today are not suitable for embedded systems, as they require too many communication and/or computing resources for the proof. A number of research projects, such as IOTA and HashGraph, deal with this subject and will be analysed in the state of the art.
The aim of this thesis is to build a consensus protocol that is frugal in terms of communications and computing resources, and whose protocol stack will be implemented in a secure embedded device. This protocol must be based on the proof of elapsed time from our laboratory's work, which is also frugal, called Proof-of-Hardware-Time (PoHT), and must satisfy the properties of finality and fairness. The complete architecture of a peer node in the network will be designed and embedded on an electronic board including a microprocessor and several hardware security components, in such a way that the proof resource cannot be parallelized. Communication between peers will be established in a distributed manner.