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Home   /   Thesis   /   High mobility mobile manipulator control in a dynamic context

High mobility mobile manipulator control in a dynamic context

Automatics, Remote handling Engineering sciences Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing Technological challenges


The development of mobile manipulators capable of adapting to new conditions is a major step forward in the development of new means of production, whether for industrial or agricultural applications. Such technologies enable repetitive tasks to be carried out with precision and without the constraints of limited workspace. Nevertheless, the efficiency of such robots depends on their adaptation to the variability of the evolutionary context and the task to be performed. This thesis therefore proposes to design mechanisms for adapting the sensory-motor behaviors of this type of robot, in order to ensure that their actions are appropriate to the situation. It envisages extending the reconfiguration capabilities of perception and control approaches through the contribution of Artificial Intelligence, here understood in the sense of deep learning. The aim is to develop new decision-making architectures capable of optimizing robotic behaviors for mobile handling in changing contexts (notably indoor-outdoor), and for carrying out a range of precision tasks.


Département Intelligence Ambiante et Systèmes Interactifs (LIST)
Service Robotique Interactive
Laboratoire de Contrôle et Supervision Robotique
IP. Paris
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