The development of nuclear reactors is part of a drive to improve safety, with, for example, the deployment of nuclear fuels with improved properties in terms of their behavior under accident conditions, the so-called E-ATF (Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel). Industrial operator FRAMATOME is developing the Cr2O3-doped UO2 fuel as E-ATF. However, very little data is available on the behavior of fission products from Cr-doped fuel under accident conditions.
This thesis proposes to develop a synthesis process for Cr-doped UO2 fuel that simulates irradiated fuel, in order to study the behavior of the elements (Cr and fission products) at different temperatures and under different oxygen partial pressures. The methodology is based on an experimental approach combining synthesis of model materials and in-depth chemical characterization, complemented by a theoretical approach (thermodynamic calculations) enabling thermal sequences to be dimensioned and the proposed reaction mechanisms to be confirmed.
The thesis will be carried out at CEA Cadarache (France), within IRESNE (Research Institute on Nuclear Systems for Low-Carbon Energy Production). The PhD student will be hosted in a laboratory dedicated to the study of uranium-based compounds in the Department of Fuel Studies (DEC). Depending on the densification processes chosen, experiments of various duration may be carried out in other laboratories in France or Europe.
The PhD student will have the opportunity to learn advanced characterization techniques for ceramic materials, gain access to experiments on large-scale instruments (synchrotron) and take part in exchanges with the academic community(CNRS, Universities, JRC). He or she will be able to promote his work through publications and participation in conferences.
At the end of this thesis, the PhD student will have acquired skills in materials science and solid state characterization that he/she will be able to use in various materials fields, as well as experience in the nuclear environment of interest to the nuclear industry.