This thesis is proposed as part of the POSEIDON (Fission Product Oscillation Experiments for Improving Depletion Calculations) project that deals with the integral measurement of the neutron capture and scattering cross-sections of the main fission products contributing to the reactivity loss in irradiated fuel. It consists of measuring the reactivity effect of separated isotope samples using a pile oscillation device, coupled with neutron activation measurements, in three different core spectral configurations : thermal, PWR and epithermal.
Part of the work will be done at CEA IRESNE in Cadarache and part at the Research Center of the Czech Republic, CV Rez. The PhD student will be involved in testing and optimizating the oscillation device that is currently being designed, as well as performing the measurements in the LR-0 Czech experimental reactor. The work at Cadarache will be on the analysis of the measurements with MC simulation tools. Functionalities needed for data analysis will require additional developments of the codes by the student.
The expected impact is a better prediction of the reactivity loss in reactor cores as a function of burn-up. Indeed, even with the most recent international nuclear data libraries, there is an important bias in the estimation of this reactivity loss.
The PhD student will develop competences in experimental and theoretical neutronics. Following job opportunities include R&D laboratories and nuclear industry.