The nuclear fuel recycling process, used at the La Hague plant in France, begins with the nitric dissolution of spent fuel, mainly composed of uranium and plutonium oxides. In a context of plant renewal and widespread of MOX fuel recycling, innovative new dissolution equipment are currently studied. The sizing of such devices is currently limited by the absence of a fully comprehensive model for the dissolution of mixed oxides, which is a highly complex reaction (three-phase involved, self-catalytic, heterogeneous attack, etc.). Despite substantial progress made in previous studies, a number of questions remain unanswered, particularly concerning the reaction mechanisms involved and the nature of the catalyst.
Electrochemical methods (cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, rotating electrode, etc.) have never been used to understand dissolution, yet they should prove relevant as already demonstrated by the studies carried out on this subject by CEA Saclay in the field of corrosion. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to apply these experimental methods for the first time to the dissolution of nuclear fuels, through a phenomenological approach. To achieve this, the student will be able to rely on the teams and facilities of Saclay and Marcoule centers, specialized respectively in electrochemical methods for the corrosion studies and the physico-chemical modeling of dissolution.
This cross-disciplinary study, involving materials science, electrochemistry and chemical engineering, will follow a stimulating fundamental research approach, but will also take place in a highly dynamic industrial context. Initially, the work will be carried out on inactive model and noble materials (at the Saclay center), then on real materials containing uranium and/or plutonium (at the Marcoule center).