Rocking foundations offer a potential mechanism for improving seismic performance by allowing controlled uplift and settlement, but uncertainties in soil-foundation interactions limit their widespread use. Current models require complex numerical simulations, which lack accurate representation of the soil-foundation interface.
The main objective of this thesis is to model the transition from local effects (friction, uplift) to the global response of the structure (rocking, sliding, and settlement) under seismic loads, using a combined experimental and numerical approach. Hence, ensure reliable numerical modeling of rocking structures. Key goals include:
• Investigating sensitivity of physical parameters in seismic response of rocking soil-structure systems using machine learning and numerical analysis.
• Developing and conducting both monotonic and dynamic experimental tests to measure the soil-foundation-structure responses in rocking condition.
• Implementing numerical simulations to account for local interaction effects and validate results with experimental results.
Finally, this research aims to propose a reliable experimental and numerical framework for enhancing seismic resilience in engineering design. This thesis will provide the student with practical engineering, along with expertise in laboratory tests and numerical modeling. The results will be published in international and national journals and presented at conferences, advancing research in the soil and structure dynamics field.