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INSTN and the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) (Société Française d’Energie Nucléaire) are launching a MOOC called ‘Nuclear Energy in France’ (‘L’énergie nucléaire en France’*), in order to provide a wide audience with a general understanding of the role of nuclear in France and discuss the associated social issues and technological challenges. With coordination by Université Paris-Saclay and accessible online via the France Université Numérique (FUN) digital platform, registration for the MOOC has been open since the 18th of December 2017.
As part of its mission to disseminate scientific and technical knowledge, INSTN is launching a MOOC entitled "Nuclear Energy in France" in partnership with the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN). This series of online courses includes a total of 24 educational videos and expert testimonies in order to acquire a general culture about the place of nuclear energy in France and to debate the major societal issues and technological challenges associated with it.
Carried by the University Paris-Saclay, this MOOC is now accessible online on the France Université Numérique (FUN) platform.
This MOOC aims to present the main principles for analysing and identifying the economic, environmental and industrial dimensions of nuclear energy. Composed of six weeks of online courses, this MOOC allows to acquire quickly an overview of the three topics covered: economy, environment, industry. In addition, the participation of experts allows in a second time a deepening of each of these themes in order to explore dialogue and debate on nuclear issues on the online forum dedicated to this new MOOC.
Discover the ‘L’énergie nucléaire en France’ MOOC teaser on INSTN’s YouTube channel:
To register online go to the FUN platform:
INSTN would like to thank the experts from Andra, Areva Mines, Areva NP, Assystem, CEA, EDF, GIIN, IRSN, LSCE, and the French Embassy in Washington for their contributions to this MOOC. We would also like to thank the INSTN Foundation for its support.
*delivered in French
Published on December 18th, 2017