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Home   /   News   /   INSTN commits to iThemba LABS laboratory in South Africa

INSTN commits to iThemba LABS laboratory in South Africa

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Within the framework of the future creation of the SAINTS Institute for continuing professional and academic training in the nuclear energy and nuclear health sectors, a cooperation agreement was signed between the iThemba LABS in South Africa and INSTN.

To meet the growing need to develop skills, particularly in nuclear sciences, radiation protection, radiobiology, radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine, the iThemba LABS laboratory, in South Africa, wanted to increase its training activities by launching the creation of a new training institute in South Africa: South African Institute of Nuclear Technology and Sciences (SAINTS). In this context, iThemba LABS wanted to establish new international collaborations to enable the SAINTS Institute to set up tailor-made training programmes to enable learners to acquire the skills required in the various nuclear fields (industry, research and medical). Recognised as an application school for the French nuclear industry in France and internationally, INSTN, in conjunction with the CEA's International Relations Department, has agreed to respond positively to iThemba LABS' proposal for collaboration.

On December 5th, 2017, a cooperation agreement was signed between INSTN and iThemba LABS to establish the SAINTS Institute. An official ceremony was held in Cape Town attended by a delegation from the French Embassy, representatives of higher education institutions and the executive heads of the National Research Foundation (NRF). This partnership will enable INSTN to become a key player in the project and bring its recognised international expertise, including its recent designation as an IAEA Collaborating Centre in the field of education and training in nuclear technologies, industrial applications and radiopharmaceutical.

More information about the iThemba LABS laboratory: http://tlabs.ac.za/


Published on February 5th, 2018


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