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Selection of the continuing professional training offer 2018

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The catalogue "CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT INSTN - A selection of our training and certification courses", for the year 2018, is online.

The new catalogue "CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT INSTN - A selection of our training and certification courses" for 2018, is now available in French and English. This catalogue contains a selection of the training courses available on the five INSTN sites and that are associated with the Institute's 13 themes of continuing training activities:

 • Pressurised water reactors and fuel cycle • Research reactors and fast neutron reactors

• Materials and characterisation

• Operation and maintenance of nuclear facilities

• Cleanup, decommissioning and waste management

• Nuclear safety and security

• Alternative energies

• Radiation protection of personnel

• Radiation protection professionals

• Nuclear applications in Human Health

• Micro and nanotechnologies

• Radioactivity and the environment

• Professional development for careers in Sciences


Discover the French version of the catalogue here.


Discover the English version of the catalogue here.


Published on February 19th, 2018

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