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INSTN expands collaborations to develop competences in Energy and Nuclear Medicine in Vietnam.
In 2019, INSTN has been expanding collaboration in Education and Training in Vietnam. We signed an agreement with Vinatom that complements those already established with four universities, including Electric Power University and Hanoi University of Science and Technology, with whom we have specific areas of cooperation.
In May, INSTN signed a collaboration agreement with the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (Vinatom), to develop competences in Nuclear Physics for medical applications, and develop the Science and Technology skills required for the construction and operation of a research reactor planned for Ho Chi Minh.
Our official visit was also an opportunity to move forward in identifying initial projects with Electric Power University and Hanoi University of Science and Technology, both of whom are particularly interested in renewable energies, especially solar power, and nuclear medicine.
The first Counselor of the French Embassy in Vietnam, Mr. Olivier Sigaud, highlighted the importance of this agreement and connections in light of current developments of Franco-Vietnamese ties.