INSTN is Qualiopi certified
French Commission for Engineering Degrees and Certifications (CTI) renewed INSTN accreditation for delivering Engineering Masters Degree specialising in Nuclear Engineering, for a period of five years.
In May 2019, the French Commission for Engineering Degrees and Certifications (CTI) renewed INSTN's accreditation to award our Engineering Masters Degree specialising in Nuclear Engineering, for a further five years. Among the strengths noted were: ‘excellence of teaching staff’, ‘a degree recognised by industry, including internationally’, ‘excellent employment prospects of graduates’, ‘personalised monitoring of students’. For over 60 years, the Engineering Masters Degree specialising in Nuclear Engineering has been continuously adapted to the needs of the nuclear industry by maintaining a close relationship with civil and defense contractors (one third of the Degree’s intake comes from the military). Among the latest developments are: the creation of a Development Committee, reforms to our teaching model in line with a skills database that has been reviewed with professionals, and integration of new digital learning methods.
The Nuclear Engineering Masters course content allows students to acquire competences in highly specialised disciplines, such as Nuclear Reactor Physics and Pressurised Water Reactor operation. It also covers key crosscutting skills (electricity network, decommissioning, nuclear power economics, human and social sciences), which Nuclear Engineering graduates will need to apply to their careers in a complex energy sector. With these competences, graduates are considered by the industry to be a safe investment resulting in 100% recruitment in the 6 months following graduation.