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A new identity for INSTN

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In September 2020, INSTN became the 'French school for Energy and health technology'.

Since INSTN’s creation in 1956, the world has changed; France has changed and so has INSTN. Public policies concerning energy require a broader electricity mix and an integrated approach to energy, including its production and its transport. So for several years now, at the same time as providing ongoing support for the skills needs of the nuclear power sector, INSTN has been offering continuing education and training in the fields of: materials for energy, batteries, hydrogen, energy efficiency, etc. As such we have opted for a more encompassing title, including ‘low carbon energy’, which includes nuclear and other low carbon energy technologies. The place of nuclear power remains established, while renewable energies and the system integration of energies are strengthened.

INSTN also has a significant health section covering the fields of imaging, nuclear medicine, radiopharmacy and medical physics. In particular, we have been training doctors in medical physics for over 20 years. INSTN’s offer in the health sector is set to expand further by drawing on the expertise and technologies developed by the CEA.

‘Catalyst for the energy transition’ and ‘Advocate for technologies for medicine of the future’, are two of the strategic developments of the CEA that INSTN will focus on in our new identity as a school specialising in low carbon energies and health technologies. Whilst INSTN’s core identity remains unaltered, we have adopted a new label more suited to the diversity of our education and training courses.

Education and training in highly technical topics is underpinned by INSTN’s recognised expertise in training and certification tools and methods. By training young graduates and supporting the development of employees' skills, our aim at INSTN is to develop the lifeblood and energy of companies. As such, alongside our new title, INSTN has chosen the slogan: 'Partner for your skills'.

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