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Raising INSTN students’ awareness of climate issues

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Raising INSTN students’ awareness of climate issues

INSTN, driven by one of its students, organised the first ‘Back to Climate’ event for around 200 students from diploma to second year of Masters.

The aim was to increase awareness and understanding of climate issues, to enable people to take action. To make this happen, INSTN reached out to the Climate Collage association (La Fresque du climat), which has a ‘Back to Climate’ programme. They offer 3-hour workshops, which draw on group intelligence and creativity to design a mural on climate issues. Around twenty INSTN representatives - students, PhD researchers, INSTN staff and CEA researchers - were involved in running 20 workshops in French or English.

200 students were trained on climate issues, using an online format. In Cadarache, students of Technician Certificate in Radiation Protection (CPTR), and the CRIATP diploma (BTS - Ionising Radiation Control and Applying Protection Techniques), and in Saclay students of the EEET Masters (Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics), MET (Materials for Energy and Transport), MNE (Nuclear Energy), MTI (Managing Technology and Innovation) were able to create a climate mural.

INSTN, which is part of the network of Higher Education Institutions for sustainable development, of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition (MTES), is following the ministerial recommendations of the Higher Education Ministry (MESRI) and MTES, to provide basic training on global warming.

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