This training complies with article R4412-87 of the French Labor Code. The objectives for the attendees are to:
- master the main articles of French regulations concerning the risks associated with the handling of Beryllium
- Identify the different health risks associated with Beryllium exposure
- Appropriate basic hygiene rules to prevent exposure
- Correctly use the dedicated Respiratory Protection Equipment (FFP 3 Dust Mask) and Personnal Air Sampler (PAS)
- Observe instructions and correctly use the appropriate protective clothing when entering / leaving a Beryllium area
- Welcome : Presentation of the INSTN, the training objectives, the teaching team and the program
- Applicable laws & regulations : Presentation of the main articles from the French laws (R4412, etc.) on the prevention of risks associated with the handling Beryllium
- IO safety guidance for offsite visits : IO internal procedure before and after visiting offsite Beryllium facilities (pre-visit checkup, offsite follow-up questionnaire, post visit reporting, etc.)
- Occupational health and safety considerations : Presentation of the routes of exposure , health consequences of different types of exposure (chronic, acute, etc.) , symptoms, medical follow-uo associated to Beryllium handling
- Mask fit test : correct use of the FFP3 mask, quantitative adjustment test
- PAS training : Presentation of the APEX2 device, set up and operation
- Simulation of entry/exit into/from a beryllium area : hands-on exercice on the protective clothing pull-on and pull-off procedure, simulation of an entry in a Beryllium area and of the handling of Beryllium containing objects (smears, sealed bags, etc.)
- General beryllium good practice at Framatome : feedbackp from a facility using Beryllium : zoning, effluent management, entry/exit procedure, PPE used
- Final assessment : assessment questionnaire, certificates of attendance, assessment of the attendees satisfaction
No specific skill is pre-requisited
Program manager :
Anne 4 42253086
No training session is scheduled for the moment, if this training interests you, please contact us.