• Describe the mechanisms of irradiation damage.
• Identify the available techniques to investigate the evolution of materials under irradiation.
• Compare the properties of steels used for reactor core structures;
• Explain the evolution of fuel and cladding during operation.
Technical visit organized (if possible, depending on the availability of the experimental facilities)
- Mechanisms of irradiation damage.
- Introduction to fuel materials.
- Behaviour of in core metallic materials:
• Steels for LWR, FBR and fusion,
• Zr alloys for Fuel Assembly in LWR.
- Carbides, SiC and ZrC high temperature materials for GenIV reactors.
Minimum background: Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering or Materials Science.
Program manager :
Servane COSTE-LECONTEservane.coste-leconte@cea.fr+33 1 69 08 33 89
No training session is scheduled for the moment, if this training interests you, please contact us.