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Thermal hydraulics and safety - International school in nuclear engineering

1.1.1 Réacteurs nucléaires

Pressurized water reactors (PWR)

Thermal hydraulics

Computation codes


Recommandation: 97 %
Average participant satisfaction score
Percentage of recommendations

In summary

The ISNE international training course aims at promoting knowledge in the field of nuclear sciences. This module breaks down into two distinct parts: the "Thermal hydraulics of light water reactors (LWR)",
and "Modelling and multi-phase phenomenology of severe accidents in LWRs ".

For ENEN2+ admissible candidates, a 10% discount on the registration fees can be considered. For more information, please check:

  • https://database.enen.eu/index.php/2023/10/16/international-school-in-nuclear-engineering-instn-cea/
  • https://mobility.enen.eu/

Who should take this course ?

The doctoral course is designed for young researchers, PhD students, post-doctorates and engineers from nuclear industry companies, research centres, Universities, Technical Safety Organizations (TSO), regulatory bodies.

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the various scales of two-phase flow modelling and their significance.
  • Present the different formulations of the 1D two-phase flow modelling (number and nature of balance equations, set of dependent variables, closure laws).
  • Give practical and relevant examples of thermal hydraulics models in the nuclear field.
  • Identify and to discuss the major physical phenomena involved during design basis accident and severe accidents.
  • Describe the different scenarios of core degradation and corium interactions during severe accidents.
  • Present the hydrogen risk in LWRs.
  • Technical visit organized (if possible, depending on the availability of the experimental facilities)
  • On-field experience, case study and tutorials
  • Lectures taught by international experts, including Dominique BESTION, Etienne STUDER and Florian FICHOT.

Full biography of our experts is available inside the School brochure (please check the "LEARNING OUTCOMES" section).

- Basic phenomena in single- and two-phase flow.
- Thermal hydraulics phenomena in LWRs.
- Multi-scale approach of LWR thermal hydraulics.
- System code modelling of reactor thermal hydraulics including advanced modelling.
- Simulation of LWR design basis accidents.
- Application of two-phase CFD to some reactor thermal hydraulics issues.
- Multiphase phenomena and modelling of severe accidents in LWRs.
- Hydrogen risk.
Minimum background: Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering.

Teaching method and tools

On-site visit


  • Logo CEA original


Program manager :

+33 1 69 08 32 91

training sessions

No training session is scheduled for the moment, if this training interests you, please contact us.

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