In accordance with its creation decree dating from 1956, the INSTN is administered by the CEA and is placed under the joint administrative supervision of the ministry in charge of industry and the ministry in charge of universities. A higher education institution and a continuing professional development organization, the INSTN has specific Administrative Public Institution status, conferring the right to issue its own diplomas and certifications.
Two bodies are consulted by the director of the INSTN: the orientation council and the education council.
The education council formulates its observations on the annual report submitted by the director and proposes the measures relating to education and to the teaching staff which it deems necessary for the development of the INSTN’s activities. It meets once yearly.
Its members are as follows :
The education council members are appointed for a period of 3 years renewable, except for the ex officio members.
The orientation council, chaired by the chairman of the CEA or his representative, expresses views about INSTN’s organisation, the action plan for the coming year and its execution during the year, the budget and, if appropriate, its amendments, the employment plan and the annual report, before their presentation to the education council. It meets once or twice yearly.
The members of the orientation council are as follows :
The members of the orientation council are appointed for a period of 4 years renewable, except the ex officio members, the member of staff, according to the unit council elections, and the the students’ representative, appointed for a period of one year.